Spicing up the Diet &Exploring the NEIGHBORHOOD of BODENSEE!


My friend Bader from Kuwait convinced me to do this FASTEN CURE in the first place!

It’s amazing how well your body works on only tea, soup and water!

I lost already 4 KG, which I was not able to lose during the last 2 1/2 years of eating well and watching my diet!

To break the routine ,we explored the lake “Bodensee” which borders on 3 countries, Austria, Switzerland, Germany it takes you a few hours by car to explore a huge treasure of historic, cultural & natural highlights!

SALEM, my old BOARDING SCHOOL, MEERSBURG with it’s beautiful castle and historic costumed inhabitants!

ZÜRICH, Switzerland, the city with the highest living standard in the WORLD! 

BREGENZ, Austria, with the COOLEST Open-AIR OPERA on the WATER!

Enjoy the pics& video:

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